SCHOOL BUS EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE In carrying out the evacuation procedure all are reminded that the driver has a least 3 monitors, plus alternates. Their duty is to assist him in emergency situations and in the normal operation of his bus route.
In case of an emergency evacuation -
All loose articles including jackets, books, kits, etc. must be left on the bus.
Students will remain seated until it is their turn to unload.
When unloading, using the front door, students will unload from the front, beginning with the seat behind the driver; then the front seat across the aisle, moving back to second, third, etc. (Drivers are encouraged to use this procedure in the normal unloading of their vehicles.)
When unloading, using the back door, students will unload from the last seat on the driver's side; then the last seat across the aisle, and thus alternating up the aisle to the front of the bus.
When using both front and rear doors, both of the above procedures will apply.
Students leaving the bus via the back door must crouch, extend their arms to the monitors and hop down.
Students will congregate at a safe distance from the emergency scene, away from the traffic and act in a quiet orderly manner.
They must remain in this fashion until directions are given by either the driver or monitor.
The "Buddy" system will be used in order to facilitate a quick check so as to ensure that all passengers are accounted for.
After the last student leaves the bus, the driver will walk through the bus to check that all have evacuated. He will be the last to leave and will remove the keys from the ignition.
In the event that the driver is injured, a monitor near the front of the bus will assume authority. He will turn off the key, assist passengers to remain calm; arrange for assistance for the driver. The driver should be removed by older students if he is assessed to be in further danger by remaining on the bus.
These rules apply to extra-curricular activities as well as regular bus trips.
The purpose of this exercise is not to see how fast the drill can be done; the purpose is to train the students to leave the bus safely and in an orderly manner.
Parents, please be advised that there is a new policy regarding occasional bus ridership. (This would be on those occasions where your child does not ride his/her regularly scheduled feeder bus, i.e., friend's birthday party, etc.) The new policy requires the school to keep a record. Therefore, a written notice must be given to the classroom teacher which will be recorded in the office and forwarded to the bus driver involved. The school must be informed in all cases when this occurs. We would appreciate hearing of any bus ride changes as early as possible as some record keeping is now required.
I. General Rules:
Parents and students must realize that School Bus Transportation is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right.
Be informed that misbehavior of any kind will NOT be tolerated. Students who misbehave can be denied the privilege of riding on the School Bus by the Principal of his school. (Man. Regulation P250R10).
Each bus driver in co-operation with the Principal shall establish a seating plan for his bus.
The seating plan shall be displayed in the bus and copy filed with the Principal of each receiving school.
II. Student & Parent Responsibility:
Notify the driver if you will not be traveling on the bus at a particular time.
Students should dress according to weather conditions. In winter rural student or students taking part in extra-curricular bus trips should be prepared for sudden storms or emergency situations, thus they should wear snow boots and other warm clothing.
III. Previous to Loading - On the Road and at School:
Be ON TIME. Help keep the bus on schedule.
If there is no sidewalk or path, it is recommended that you walk on the side of the road FACING TRAFFIC to get to the bus stop.
If you live on the opposite side of the road to the bus stop, it is the parents' responsibility to decide whether the student should cross the road to the bus stop before the bus arrives, or should wait until the bus is stopped, in order to have the advantage of the flashing lights for a safe crossing.
Stay OFF the road while waiting for the bus. Bus riders should conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting for the bus.
Wait until the bus comes to a COMPLETE STOP before attempting to board. Line up in an orderly, single file. Do NOT rush to board the bus.
Use the handrail and watch your step when boarding the bus.
Be courteous. Don't take advantage of other children in order to get to and from your seat.
IV. While on the Bus:
Students will sit on the seat assigned to them by the bus driver and shall remain seated until they have reached their destination.
Never open the bus windows without the driver's permission.
Keep head and hands INSIDE the bus at ALL times.
Remember - loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver's attention and may result in a serious accident.
Avoid eating and drinking on the bus unless you have been given permission by the driver.
Remain IN the bus in case of road emergency, unless directed to follow Emergency Evacuation Procedure.
Keep absolutely "QUIET" when your bus is stopped at a railway crossing.
Do NOT throw anything out of the windows.
Keep books, packages, coats and ALL other objects out of the aisles.
Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
NEVER tamper with the bus or its equipment.
Treat the bus equipment as valuable furniture in your home. Offenders may be required to pay for damage to seats, etc.
ALWAYS be courteous to your fellow students, the bus driver and to passers-by.
The driver is responsible for controlling the bus riders. On extra curricular trips this responsibility shall be shared by the driver and the supervising teacher.
Parents will be notified if there is continuous misconduct on the bus. Students may be denied the privilege of riding.
It is against regulations for anyone to take on the bus any firearms, animals, explosives or any object that could endanger the other passengers.
No driver of a school bus shall smoke or allow any person to smoke on the school bus while children are on board.
The rear door shall be used for emergency purposes only.
V. After Leaving the Bus:
Help look after the safety and comfort of the small children.
When crossing the road, cross at least 10 feet in FRONT of the bus, but ONLY after checking to be sure NO traffic is approaching and the driver has given the "ALL CLEAR" signal.
If you live on the same side of the road as the bus stop, move clear of the bus (approximately 6 feet) as the bus pulls away.
You must co-operate with the monitors on your bus. They are the driver's helpers and it is their duty to help make the ride to and from school a safe one for you and your fellow students.