J.M. Young School, for the past two decades, has prided itself on the number and variety of extra curricular activities available to its students. The nature of these experiences varies, but a typical year is described below.
A number of extra curricular events are planned by the student council and supervised by Mrs. Cook, mostly to raise student moral, such as spirit week, occasional activity days, work days, fund raisers and a clean-up to make the school and community a better place to be.
The band/music program, under the direction of Mrs. Roe, has several opportunities for students to perform in public throughout the year, such as Remembrance Day, Christmas Concert, Festival, Band Tours, etc.. The Christmas Concert is a major production involving the entire school.
Other opportunities include such activities Jump Rope for Heart (in alternate years) and the Terry Fox Run (co-ordinated by Mrs. James), and the Environmental Club. Recycling is an element of our school community.
For students in 6-8 there are intramural and interschool athletic programs, under the direction of Mrs. Roe, with help from staff and former students throughout the year - soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross country, and track teams for boys and girls. Practice and play takes place during school breaks and after 4:00. There is a comprehensive intramural program for anyone who wishes to play sports during the day at school.
A yearbook is published annually under the guidance of Mrs. Cook to record student activities throughout the year.
The gym is available at recesses and at noon for students in 7/8 to practice their skills and play whatever sport is in season (volleyball, basketball, badminton) from the end of the soccer season to the beginning of the track season.
Trips to special events or guest speakers are also encouraged. Each class in K to 5 normally takes one field trip per year. Students in 6 to 8 usually travel to special events more often. The swimming program is an extra curricular part of the regular Phys. Ed. program for everyone.
A regular part of the educational experience at J.M. Young has been a trip to Kenora, Ontario every second year for the senior grades (7/8). This is usually a three-day trip where students become acquainted with an environment unlike their own.
A graduation dinner is also planned each year for the grade 8 class.