When the bell rings to end recess or noon hour, students must come in promptly. Students should not loiter on the playground after the bell has rung or cause a disturbance in any way. Washroom facilities should be used during the break, not at the end.
Absolutely no kicking of balls near school windows. Likewise, absolutely no throwing of stones, gravel or snowballs.
Ball tag is prohibited near the school, as is playing with balls in the area in front of the main door.
Due to safety concerns, patches of ice will be considered off limits.
The east playground structure will not be opened until 8:35 A.M., after all buses have left, so students won't be running between buses. (East structure is for K-5 and west structure is for 6-8.)
Absolutely no playing around the cars.
The ditch is outside the school grounds. To prevent balls crossing the road, please do not play with balls in that area.
The school staff reserves the right to change these rules as needed.